I want to tell you how much I have bee enjoying your essays about nature. I particularly enjoyed the poems you included this time. I found one that I wrote about my finches:
The finch has a story to tell
How it snatches radiance from the morning sun
Powders its wings with pollen
Coloring feathers like dandelions, buttercups, marigolds
Fascinating as ever - On this side of the Atlantic we don't have Phoebes but we do have a small, grey brown flycatcher - whenever I have seen one it has been jumping through a swarm of flies that has gathered over a dead sheep
Jud Caswell’s Phoebe on the Fencepost went perfectly with your post today! Beautiful and gentle grace.
Thank you. It turns out that there is a lot of Phoebe love in the world.
You’re speakin’ my language.
I am sharing comments and a poem from a reader.
I want to tell you how much I have bee enjoying your essays about nature. I particularly enjoyed the poems you included this time. I found one that I wrote about my finches:
The finch has a story to tell
How it snatches radiance from the morning sun
Powders its wings with pollen
Coloring feathers like dandelions, buttercups, marigolds
Do you sleep among the flowers
Wings folded like petals
Folded in prayer
Do you dream about the heart of the sunflower
Seeds sandwiched in a bodacious brown center
Tell me the story of your song
Your morning, noon, and evening song.
Does God whisper you your melody
As well as secrets of flight.
Does She whisper to you how we too can
Take flight
Become feathered things
Tagging along with you through
Dandelions, buttercups, and marigolds
Learning to sleep among flowers
Our wings folded like petals
Folded in prayer
Listening to the voice of God
Learning to sing our own song of creation.
Fascinating as ever - On this side of the Atlantic we don't have Phoebes but we do have a small, grey brown flycatcher - whenever I have seen one it has been jumping through a swarm of flies that has gathered over a dead sheep