Jun 28Liked by Bill Davison

Great article!! Just what I needed as I recover from last night’s debate! The world of plants is awesome and beautiful. And the poem was a perfect match.

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Jun 28Liked by Bill Davison

This was wonderfully mind expanding! As I walk through my garden today, I will look at the plants growing there with new eyes!

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Having this new understanding of plants takes gardening to a new level. I recently listened to the latest episode of the Regenerative Agriculture podcast with John Kempf. He discusses plant intelligence and how plants absorb bacteria from the soil, partially break them down as they encode them with messages and then release them back into the soil. These modified bacteria communicate with the life in the soil and within hours the microbial life in the soil manufactures the nutrients that the plant needs.

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Jun 28Liked by Bill Davison

Back in the 70s I think, there was a Readers Digest article about a fellow who linked a lie detector setup to his beloved plants, intrigued to understand their inner workings. He had to travel periodically and while on the jet on his way home one time, thought about his plants and how he’d give them a drink of water when he got home. That night he checked the lie detector printouts and discovered that his plants had recorded a noticeable reaction at a particular time - the time when he thought about them while on the plane.

There are connections between organic organisms that we have absolutely no understanding of. Stories like yours remind us that we have much to learn. Thanks so much for sharing this.

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Sounds like Zoe Schlanger and I are on the same wavelength! Will have to read it.


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Jun 28Liked by Bill Davison

Absolutely fascinating and a great book recommendation

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Bill Davison

Wow. I looked into Schlanger's book, THE LIGHT EATERS, and my favorite author of all time, David George Haskell, described it as, “A brilliant must-read. This book shook and changed me.” Thanks, Bill, once again, for introducing me to a book that helps me celebrate this world, rather than wallow in misery at all humans have wrought, which is my tendency. And how could I pass up the chance to learn to live up to my 'weirdest' potential? Dare I open into the 'loose committee' that I am? I remember Michael Pollan writing in BOTANY OF DESIRE that plants are all about seducing us. I'm going to read Schlanger's work, thanks to you, and perhaps find my way back to that seduction. Best of all, I love that it sounds like she rips the human brain off its pedestal and has it land in the soil, where it belongs, humble, ready to embrace and join the labyrinth of an unknown and magical green world - and get kinky alongside and with it. Thank you, Bill!

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Hi Chrissy, You will LOVE this book. The quality of the writing and the stories she tells are inspiring. I just picked a few of the highlights to share. The book is very compelling and thought provoking. It made me look at plants in a whole new light. They have become much more seductive. I am changing the way I garden as a result of reading this book. Hopefully, The Light Eaters will help more people learn to appreciate that we are all weird little loose committees.

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Thank you for highlighting this book. The content is fascinating as well as eye opening

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Jun 28Liked by Bill Davison

This is mind blowing

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Yes! This book really did blow my mind. My whole perspective on nature has shifted.

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What a fascinating article, plants are endlessly more interesting than we realise.

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Fascinating information.

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Jun 28Liked by Bill Davison

Wow! What a wonderful sharing. Makes me want to read more about plants! - and people! 🌟

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Jun 29Liked by Bill Davison

I just purchased 2 books. One for a friend who will love it and needs it now. And one for myself as I also need a shift in mindset.

We had coffee yesterday and were consoling each other. And afterwards read your post. Perfect synchronicity.

Thank you!

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