Reading Easy By Nature every Friday morning makes me wish every morning was a Friday morning.

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That sounds like such an amazing project for the school to help students connect with Nature. Also love that Edmond Selous quote - I too would gladly land and live on Bird Isle. :)

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What a great inspirational story. Thank you and I wish you all the best in the new year.

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A nice article was in my newspaper today entitled Nonprofit Complete Purchase of 4 Lots for Florida Scrub Jay Habitat in Charlotte County. Google that title and you should be able to read the article.

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Wow. What a great story. For the kids, teachers, community, environment, and birds! Usually at Christmas time here, a man sits outside by the post office selling bird feeders he's made. I have a bird feeder but yet to put it out because in FL it attracts rats. Unfortunately, I think because of so much development and destruction of natural habitat, I don't see the variety of birds I used to. Even our few scrub Jay's have been pretty much rehomed to another area of the county where they may thrive more than here.

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A wonderful post, Bill! We have deer who steal our birdseed even with a baffle!

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How wonderful to bring a vision of so much more than the tiny confines within a birdhouse.

I love the Red Radio Flyer filled with bird houses trailed by school children.

That image would be a perfect banner for other schools to start a new tradition.

I can picture a wonderful painting created by kids to inspire other schools across the country.

When you think about it, most schools never educate students about flora and fauna.

Can you just imagine, teaching children how to be good stewards at a young age;

“…sharing our love of birds in even this small way can have unforeseen consequences.”

You’re definitely on to something.

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‘Why would [you] publish such a story to Substack?’ Surely the more pertinent question is Why wouldn’t you? Another uplifting contribution. A terrific read. I’m so excited for those kids and the school staff. How exciting to be part of that community. Thanks so much for sharing.

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