May 10Liked by Bill Davison

Wow, a beautiful and powerful essay that left me in tears.

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Thank you so so much. Your words mean so much to me. You really 'got' it - and that matters more than anything when writing something this vulnerable, that exposes me this much. I love sharing it here with you and Bill's other readers, so many kindred spirits, like you.

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I have had several surprising and extraordinary bird experiences after the death of a relative or close friend. A dear friend died 36 hours ago. I think I’ll choose to take this story as my birding link to her. (And I’ll keep my senses open tomorrow in case an actual bird does cross my path.) Enjoy your break dear Bill. Thanks so much for sharing this haunting story. So special.

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Oh, wow. The timing of my 'guest' essay seems perfect for what you are going through. It was very healing to experience and write. May it be cathartic for you in some way, too.

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May 10Liked by Bill Davison

Bill.., Have a deep communion with the winged ones....a much deserved getaway. And thank you for this lovely essay. I remember Ann McGowan commenting after her husband, Jim, passed away that she heard him speak to her through the owls' calling. Who knows how the departed communicate with us if we would only be open to all of our senses.

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Thank you for your 'lovely' response!

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May 13Liked by Bill Davison

How exquisitely poignant powerful and perfectly written, if this didn’t bring tears of appreciation, I would have known something vital was missing from my soul. Thank you is not nearly sufficient for your magnificent piece, I am going to read it often.

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Oh, wow. I cannot put into words how deeply your response means to me. You make all the effort to put this into words worth it.

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May 12Liked by Bill Davison

Every time I see a beautiful owl story, I still think of Flaco.

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I'd love to know who Flaco is. And thank you!

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May 18Liked by Bill Davison

Thank you, Bill! May we all live a life where we are living the way we choose to live, rather than long, protected lives in captivity, however tricky that may be to achieve in western 'civilization,' which seems more and more determined to control us, bent on domesticating, mediating and 'civilizing' us, rather than freeing the 'wild' in us or helping us return to the wild, the wild that is struggling to survive and adapt to our destructive ways. I love your essays, as that seems your essence - a wild return, freeing us to 'see' again, 'be' again, touch what matters deep in our beings and share that with others as we rejoice in those moments.

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We just returned from two weeks of birding along the northern shore of Lake Erie in Canada. We had many beautiful experiences being in the woods with the birds. On our drive back I listened to Craig Foster on the Tim Ferris podcast. Craig is a filmaker and he became well known after releasing his film My Octopus Teacher. I found it to be quite moving. Craig has a new book out about reconnecting with wildness. Craig said that we can only be truly at ease when we are surrounded by high bidodiversity in healthy natural areas. This seems to be a deep need that we lose sight of, but our unconcious knows when it feels safe and secure.

He also described indigenous trackers that function as a human radar system. They can track animals that are more than a kilometer away by listening to the calls of birds. I aspire to be a human radar.

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May 19Liked by Bill Davison

Oh, I loved his film, My Octopus Teacher! I'm so excited to learn about his new book from you. I'm assuming you mean AMPHIBIOUS SOUL: Finding the Wild in a Tame World. Can't wait to read it! Thank you! I'm not sure we can only be truly at ease when we are surrounded by high biodiversity in healthy natural areas, but it seems the more of that there is, the better I feel, so I resonate deeply with that idea. I do think we have the capacity to tune into the wild wherever we are, to send down roots, send up branches and connect, draw strength, even if it is simply the white clouds in a blue sky or bare feet on soil or the sound of water flowing - and find peace, maybe not perfect, but enough, particularly embracing the wild as meditation. Martin Luther King might have said it best, "Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."

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Yes, Ambhibious Soul is the book Craig discussed on the podcast. It sounds amazing. I agree with you people can be at ease in a variety of situations. I think the point Craig was making is subtle and he was referring to a deep sense of ease that we feel below our thoughts and maybe even beyond our awareness.

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May 11Liked by Bill Davison

So SO beautiful ... thank you, Chrissy, and thank you Bill for sharing this. What a gift!

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Thank YOU!

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May 10Liked by Bill Davison

Long eared owls! What and who wouldn't be enchanted! I certainly am.

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Oh, thank you, thank you! As I always say, go be enchanted by the wild - and enchant right back. May my writing always enchant!

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May 10Liked by Bill Davison

Lovely and powerful retelling.

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I appreciate your remarks so so much. Thank you.

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Wonderful writing 🦉🙏 🤎

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Thank you so much for the encouragement. Writing this was so cathartic.

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May 10Liked by Bill Davison

Your writing is very powerful. I love the way you weave the story

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Thank you! I love that you get that, the 'weave' of the story! It's something I work hard at - and to make it seamless and natural, building connections.

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May 10Liked by Bill Davison

My goodness, beautiful sweet sorrow and peaceful joy and wonder all at the same time…

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Yes, exactly! Like life. Thank you so much for your gorgeous words.

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May 30Liked by Bill Davison

This is deeply moving. Thank you for entrusting us enough to share it ❤️

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Have a wonderful vacation: communing with the birds sounds ideal. I will read the essay later today.

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Dear Chrissy, this wonder-full piece means more to me than I can say. Because of a powerful owl dream I had 35 years ago. Because of the 15-year "anniversary" of the tragic death of a most-loved one coming this week. Because I live next to a rural wooded area and sometimes when I'm awake in the middle of the night I hear owls with different voices talking with each other, though I've never seen one here. Thank you thank you for sharing this here!!! 💜

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You are exactly why I write - to deeply connect around what matters. Thank you so much. I'm glad my sharing and willingness to be vulnerable is coming at a time when you need it, too.

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Wonderful story - thank you so much for sharing it with us Chrissy. Now I’m going to search for trees full of owls!

Safe travels Bill!

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Thank you, so much - and please, yes, look for the owls and always dream, welcome and seek beauty, letting it astound you, find you, move you, touch you.

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Simply beautiful. 🙏

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Thank you. Simply said and perfect. I'm grateful.

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